木制盒装包装的原材料是纯实木和模仿实木(MDF木纹纸 /实木贴面 /科学和技术贴面),选择用于木制盒装包装的纯实木仅是其中的一部分。由于纯实木的生产成本相对较高,因此施工期会相对较长,并且木制盒包装的整体细节控制也很困难,因此也可以选择模仿实木材料。从经济和实用的角度来看,由模仿实木制成的木制盒包装比纯实木的盒子差得多,在使用模仿木材作为木制盒包装的情况下,有许多优势,例如:
Even in very cold areas, wooden box packaging made of imitation solid wood materials will not deform and open materials, while the size of wooden box packaging made of pure solid wood materials is slightly higher than 30nm, there will be some problems of deformation or cracking ,因为纯实木即使完全干燥,也会在内部含有一点水。当水到达非常寒冷的区域时,它将被空气吸收并干燥。 Therefore, before choosing wooden box packaging, we should consider the above points clearly, whether the size is relatively large, which areas will wooden box packaging go to, etc